How to start a YouTube channel?
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How to start a YouTube channel |
The first step to remember is to create a YouTube channel which is very important, that is you should have a G-mail (google mail) account to create a youtube channel. So why G-mail and not other mailing services, because YouTube is a Google's product and G-mail is a mailing service by Google and like all Google's product to access youTube you need a G-mail account. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world right now after google.
So If you don't have G-mail account then you can't create your your youtube channel you must remember first. And I think this is not a big problem because G-mail is free mailing service, and that means you don't need to pay google money to create a G-mail account.
Today we all have smart phone and if you're using android device than you have to have a G-mail account no doubt right. Because without a G-mail account you can't use your android device. Because android operating system is also a product by Google and like as I said earlier you need a G-mail account to access any Google's product.
You can also start your YouTube channel by using your same G-mail account that you are using right now to access your android devices or your existing G-mail account.
Or If you want to create a new G-mail account and then open a youtube channel with that G-mail account you can. You can. Or if you want to create your youtube channel with your exiting G-mail account you can too.
If you don't know how to create a G-mail account than you can read this article (int link). Where I step by step explain what is G-mail, how to create one, and all mailing service provider out there that I think you will interested to want to know about.
If your G-mail account has created, then I want to tell you that the phone number is also very important to create a Youtube channel. Because using your mobile number, youTube will send you a verification code and After that you have to come to and need to sign in with that code and you can do it by your mobile phone also.
After visiting you will find the signin button above. After that, with the help of the G-mail account that you had created, you have to sign in on YouTube.
People always search by the term how to start a youtube channel or how start youtube channel but the truth is a little kid can start a youtube channel without the help of their parents but here we are not going to talk about that particular kids related topic. But We will be taking about how create youtube channel or youtube starting and make a living out of it.
Now you know that what is youtube, what's youtube channel and how to create one. Now the best part of this article with full packed of information and that is how to make a decent money on YouTube.
And hold on and read the whole article this will be very very interesting. This article will be a bit long and full of data and I promise you after reading this whole article you will not feel to need to go elsewhere to know about youtube and making money on YouTube.... I promised that.
»How to Start a Successful YouTube Channel for Your Business
If you own a business you should consider youtube to promote your products by creating a channel on youtube. so you are interested right. Are you? If yes then I wanna tell you that your move to create a YouTube channel is very important for your future product marketing strategy. Because here on YouTube every minute 400 to 500 hours of videos are uploaded. And after all youtube is the second largest search engine after Google atleast for now and coming few more years.
But if you find creating a youtube channel and making videos is difficult than starting a blog and write about something then don't worry you are in the right place. We will break down every single things related to youtube. And hopefully this will help you correctly to create a channel on youtube for your personal or business purposes.
»Here is the step by step process you need to follow on the way from starting your youtube channel to monetize your videos to earn money on youtube.
Now let me clear one thing here I have an experienced of 3 years on YouTube and gone through a lot of difficulties on my journey to promote my small businesses on youtube. So I must say in today's situation youtube is one of the best platform for small businesses and here in youtube along with businesses, many more individual become more famous than some of the reel celebrities, believe me. By telling you this what I meant to say is that if you want fame than also youtube is the best platform to start with.
If you want to create a youtube channel that only can manage by your Google account. Follow these instructions to create a channel.
»How to create a YouTube channel for personal use or for your brand?
If you Create a YouTube channel. It will allow you to upload videos on YouTube video streaming platform, you can create playlists by catagory from those videos you uploaded, can leave comments for other people to see, and many more.
If you want, You can create a YouTube channel straight from your smart phone by using youtube app or from your computer by browsing the youtube site.
YouTube allow you to create two types of youtube channel one is brand or company related that is sweetable for business purposes and the second type is a personal channel.
Once you've created one YouTube channel, the door will open for you to create an another one and another one and another one.
Anyone from around the world can watch videos on youtube if they have an internet connection and a cell phone, but if you want to upload one, you have to create one YouTube channel where you can upload videos, and make comments and make your favorite playlist.
You can create a personal YouTube channel and a Brand Account YouTube channel. This two types of channel YouTube offer you to create.
Here's the process how to create both one after another.
»1. How to create a personal YouTube Channel
If you just want the option to comment on videos or post your own videos basically than you might go with one of a personal youtube channel.
1. Go to youtube app if you have one if not than you can download the youtube app directly from Google playstore. Or go to any internet browser and open youtube website. Then create an account using your mobile phone number that you are currently using.
2. After sign in to youtube on a computer or the mobile site, click your profile image in the top right corner of the screen.
3. You will ask to create a channel.
4. If you are using a computer, then click "Get Started" in the pop-up window open and fill your Name and Select. But if you using a mobile device, then enter your name into the pop-up screen, and click the option called "Create Channel."
6. Now the process of creating a personal youtube channel is finished and Your personal YouTube channel is now created. Now the door is opened for you and you can customize whatever settings you want for your channel, such as add a profile picture and write you bio on details section. You setup all later but you main work is finished and that is creating your personal youtube channel.
»2.How to create a brand or business YouTube channel
Youtube gives you choice to create a Brand Account and personal account whatever you want to create. But for businesses, brands, or other kinds of organizations a business youtube channel is important. And you can manage multiple YouTube channels from a single dashboard for a company.
When you have brand account on YouTube you can manage In addition to multiple channel management, you can fixed different manager or watch person for your different youtube channel. you literally control your channel by your hand that who can access your channel or who not for update.
Note: And here is the thing you need a desktop or a laptop to access you brand account youtube channel. Because youtube don't allow user to access brand account youtube channel from a mobile device. And this is the thing you need to care off.
1. So in this case for brand account you need a desktop and web browser. Then go to youtube website and sign into youtube with the Google account or the G-mail account that you want to use for creating your Brand account youtube channel.
2. After you sign into your youtube channel providing you necessary details, you will see your profile icon on the upper right side of the desktop screen. Then Click your profile image.
3. After clicking the profile image on the upper right side of desktop screen you will see a dropdown menu, then click "Create a Channel."
4. In the dropdown menu after clicking the option " create a channel" a pop-up window will open. Then In the pop-up window, select the option "Get Started" or anything related to this term.
5. You need a custom name for your brand account youtube channel. So you need to select the option " use custom name" after clicking the "get started" option.
6. After you click on "use custom name " button, youtube will take you On the next page, where you have to give a name of your brand account. Then youtube will ask you to agree to their terms and conditions. Then click "save."
7. Now you are on the way to start with your youtube channel. Because you just created your new brand account youtube channel. And now you can upload videos, can customize channel, add bio and lot more.
As I said earlier you can create multiple youtube channel for your business or personal reasons. whatever it is you just need to visit the channel switcher if you want to see all your youtube channels that you created in past. You can switch one youtube channel to another youtube channel anytime you want or even can create a new one.
Before you Start your YouTube channel you have to keep in mind few very important things .....
»01. The Basic
Before you start know the basic and that is actually create a channel on YouTube. And don't worry creating a channel on YouTube is not hard, if you feel that it's difficult then read the whole article. YouTube itself make it incredibly easy to create a YouTube channel on their platform for user. You need to just open YouTube app or YouTube site and few click , and you are ready to go.
Open YouTube app or YouTube site , if you are sign in then click the user icon on the upper right side of YouTube app.
From there go to your your YouTube settings and click. You will find the option of settings.
Choose the option of Create a new channel
Then choose “Use a business or other name." Use bussiness name if you have one and create the channel for business purpose or use other name if you want to create a personal YouTube channel.
»02.Bio or About Section
If you don't know what about section is on YouTube. Then about section a blank space given by YouTube to their content creators who create content for YouTube. Where a channel creator can write about himself or herself, about the type of contents they will provide to their subscribers who will subscribe their channel.
A channel creaters can put their contact details for contact if anyone want. And they can put their other social account link. Because if someone from their subscriber want to follow their favorite YouTube on other social networking site too they can.
»03. Create channel art
When you go to a YouTube channel or first visit your YouTube channel you’ll immediately see blank space top of your channel name. It aslo call cover photo of your channel. It's usually introducing your brand or content type of your channel in front of your audience. You can give word art, banner picture whatever you want or think appropriate four your channel.
You can make your cover photo as word art or banner picture or minimal as you’d like, but you need just make sure that your channel reflect the main intention of your channel. Because your channel art is the first thing that you audience will see when they first land on your YouTube channel.
Creating a channel art is as simple as creating a channel. You just need a good tool where you can make your channel art easily. And fortunately there many great tool for your need. And lastly remember one more thing that is YouTube recommends their uploader to upload channel art of maximum file size of 4MB at 2560 x 1440 pixels.
»04 .Target Audience Market Or Type of contents
If you are starting a YouTube channel for your business the first know your products and the audience who can purchase those products. Since your YouTube channel is for business purpose, then you should have more than one option to work with, and you can upload various types of videos on your channel but ofcourse based on your products.
If you have a complex product then consider video tutorial for your products and teach your viewers how to use your products thoroughly. And if you want to engage with you your customers and want them to learn more about your products, then video tutorials might be a great option for you. And above all of you can build a trust between you and your customer and this trust eventually lead more sales in future.
If you understand your products and know what part of the world population are interested in your products or maybe interested. Then You should also create content that’s targets a particular fixed demographic area around the world. And This is a powerful modern product marketing technique that can get more customers attention toward your brand or your products.
»05.Introductory video
Though it's not that nessesary but you can create an introductory video for your channel. On that video basically you will tell your audience about your channel and what kind of video they (your audience) will get if they subscribed to your channel. And introductory video usually short and to the point. It's usually 1 to 2 minute video. Creating an introductory video can be a very good practice that can build your confidence to make your first video.
»06.First video create
After uploading your introductory video, now it's time to upload your your first official video on your YouTube channel. At this point, where you already upload your introductory video and you do a good research about video type, then you have bit practice as well.
After completing the recording and editing of your first YouTube video now it's time to upload the video. you’ll find the option to upload your first youtube video at the upper right side of the youtube screen after you log into your youtube account. It may take some times to upload but it will depend on your internet speed that how much time will take to complete. you can schedule time you want, youtube will automatically upload your videos on given time.
»07.YouTube SEO
You have do YouTube search engine optimization or in short YouTube SEO if you want see your video on the top of YouTube search. If you own a website or have some knowledge about how google search work then you will easily handle YouTube SEO. If you don't know what is YouTube seo and how seo works then read this article.(int link)
When you upload a video on your YouTube channel, YouTube will asked you to fill video tag,what is YouTube video tags?(int link), to give video description, what is youtube video description?(int link), video title. What is youtube video title?(int link), These are basic youtube seo you need to do to easily discover in youtube search, so don't skip these very important SEO mentioned.
The way website seo work to rank webpage, YouTube also their own parameters to rank videos for search. You need to take care of this area. You can place keywords that you research for that particular video. Describe your your video with proper keywords and describe the intention of your video in words and your business purpose. If you correctly place keywords in title and in the description then your video can go a long way. And later on you will find out what works for you and what not.
As you know YouTube is a Google product and world second largest search engine as well after Google itself. So if your video is well optimized and problem solving then your chances will increase to rank in Google also in video form. Because nowadays Google started ranking youtube videos along with webpages. So If you play your cards rightly then you’ll find your videos ranking on world biggest search engine as well as world second largest search engine.
»08. Keep consistency
If you want to be successful in youtube you have to upload videos consistently. Because without consistency it's hard to get noticed in this world and nowaday youtube is very competitive.
If you want quick success then upload videos twice a day. Otherwise you can upload one video a day, four videos a week, twice a week.
But you shouldn't expect success by creating only few videos. Because lot of people just create few pieces of contents and expect they will automatically get views and build a following. you won't get a lot of views in your fast video. It's never going to happen.
So don't expect too much by creating few, be realistic, set your goal realistically otherwise you will get disappointed. If you really planing to create a YouTube channel for your business or personal purposes then maintain consistency, and don't neglect completely after uploading just few videos. Become successful on YouTube takes time, mind it. And it's takes lot of effort. We all know how much work it is to make single video or even harder to keep the upload regularly. It's take efforts and hard work and in the top of that there is no such guarantee that you'll successful.
If you can't manage everyday video shooting then make schedule as per your time and make multiple videos that day and give it to the YouTube to upload as your choosen time. Not a problem! And release them on your own schedule.
»09.Integrate your YouTube channel in your website or other social networking site
If you create your youtube channel for your business then most probably you have website or a blog right and have a youtube channel. Great! The best thing about youtube is you can share same video that you created for your youtube channel can share with your website and other social networking site also. Now outside of YouTube, your website should be your first choice to post your video.
Here are a couple of ways to present your videos in front of your traffic on your website.
Front of your website:
It take enough time and mental energy to create a single video obviously and lots of effort. So why not show them to your website viewers right? You can add your YouTube video on your blog article that is related to that particular video. So when traffic first come to your website the first thing they will is your video that you created.
Through blog post
You can post your youtube video as blog post. And can share it with your audience.
You can embed them right into new blog posts and even tell your website subscribers by email.
Go Social:
Today all most every small businesses have their own social account. So you can share your video with your business social network account proudly. The more you share your youtube video, the more social exposure, more people will know about your products and that automatically will increase sales. And that’s what this is all about. Share it everywhere.
»10. Community building
You should consider youtube community building with similar business like or if your youtube channel is personal youtube channel then you can engage with audience and build a loyal fan base. And this type of engagement will provide you a bigger chance to stand out of the rest.
And youtube is very competitive and in future it will be more competitive than it is today. So without actively viewing and engaging with content that you created, it will be hard for you to stand out among the rest.
Engagement is very important if you want to take leverage of your popularity and make decent money on youtube.
It's very important that you connect with your audience. Reply to their comments, ask questions, ask about their problems they are facing about your tutorial and engaging with your viewers is very important step to expand your business. Your viewers want to watch your content and your viewer are the reason your channel is alive so don't forget that. And it's your responsibility to give them what they actually want from your channel, what type of content they are expecting from your channel. And it's your job to fulfill those expectation.
If your community is very good and you maintain good relation with by providing the type of content they want, the you will get some free month for advertisement in the process , too.
»11.Running ads about channel
If you want people attention quickly then can also run ads on YouTube itself. Youtube will show your video to the the millions on of unknown user and from them if someone get interested in youtube content then you will get audience. You need to paid youtube few dollars to run ads remember that. And sometimes it's good to consider advertisement to get your brand out there even further.
Even if you know about youtube ads and how it's work then you don't need to take worry at all because there are tons of information available online for you to get started.
According to your brand or business if you want to target a particular age group, a particular demographic location, people interest, gender then youtube advertisement can help to do that.
Now remember don't expect millions of views from youtube ads because except some rare scenario it is not goning to happen. But with the right combination of people's engagement and your content you can expect a organic growth in near future. YouTube ads can just be the icing on the cake for your channel.
»12.keep your YouTube strategy repeat
Now YouTube is not a get rich quick scheme , YouTube is a real thing where from you can make a good amount of money by creating videos. But your youtube video uploading should be repeated. Even the best can do better. So you need update consistently. And YouTube analytics is very good tool that can help on your way perfectly and will guide you in the direction of how you may want to optimize your videos for the future to get more views on your videos.
YouTube analytics is a very powerful tool if you want to a particular demographic area, a particular age group, which allows to to target your audience and customer effectively even further. with this tool you can also find why one video performed better than another. It’s a powerful tool for your YouTube channel growth.
I hope you know what monetization means for youtube. If you don't know then YouTube monetization is everything for them who create video for youtube and want to make money. By giving permission youtube to monetize their videos with ads makes them money. Off course their channel needs to fulfil the youtube monetization policies.
Primary monetization method is through youtube adsense, their are many more monetization options available for video creator that they can use to monetize their videos and make money. But most of the creators primary monetization method is google Adsense.
So you want to know the process to monetize your youtube channel? And began your journey to make money on YouTube by making videos. Take a look at our bigganers guide!
So below few paragraph is all about youtube monetization process and how to monetize your content, how you can make money by monetizing your videos and by monetization your content will start generating revenie. And along with your business will grow. The are four golden rules to making money on YouTube through adsense, and they are:
1.You need to have atleast 1,000 subscribers on your YouTube channel before applying for adsense or enable youtube monetization
2.Your videos have generated 4,000 hours of Watch Time in the last 12 months, for that you need to upload video every day.
3.You need to follow and maintain all youtube policies and guidelines. Otherwise youtube will not allow you to enable adsense. So first You duty to follow all YouTube's policies and guidelines
4.You have an AdSense account set up
So first of all let's talk the fundamental things of monetization with 1,000 subscribers. And it's all you need to your monetization proces with youtube and it's pretty straightforward.
Youtube will not care much how much subscribers you'll get in the future after completing your 1,000 subscribers threshold, once you hit the milestone with 1,000 subscribers , youtube will allow you to monetized your youtube videos.
Along with 1,000 subscribers in your channel you also need 4,000 hours of watch time on your channel over the last 12 months. Now some people get confused with this so let me clarify one thing first this not not your watch hours of your videos.
That means youtube will not count the hours you spend watching your own videos, watch hour will count how much peoples from all around the world spend their time to watch your videos. That the time youtube will count in their 4,000 hours of watch time criteria.
And from any given date in the last 12 months, all those hours of time will be counted that people have watched on your channel.
And If you reach the threshold of 4,000 hours of watch time over life time of your channel then your channel will not get the permission to enable monetization from youtube. Because only last 12 months of watch time that counts for youtube partner program requirements or adsense.
There are few things about watch time for youtube to remember for you to fulfill the requirements of youtube partner program. If you do upload video and then a live stream on your channel, the of the live session will count towards the total. But the watch time will automatically vanished if delete the video from your channel and youtube will removed the watch hours from your channel watch hour time.
And now one more thing that I wanna tell you about youtube watch hours is that if your channel falls below 4,000 hours of watch hours, then you don't need to worry about that , because youtube won't remove you from their adsense program automatically, but in their discretion they can.
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